The Role of Formazione & insegnamento in Talent Education Research: A Critical Review of All Papers Published between 2011 and 2022
Talent Education, Wellbeing, Positive pedagogy, Strength-Based ApproachAbstract
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the international journal Formazione e Insegnamento, it is mandatory to pay homage to the many authors who have carried out research on talent education over the years, exploring its many facets and realizing Umberto Margiotta’s dream of establishing a scientific community oriented to the study of talent. A dream come true, considering that the journal excels in the number of papers published per year on the subject. This contribution therefore offers a critical review of the works published between 2011 and 2022 on the themes of talents and talent education. Content analysis and narrative synthesis made it possible to identify two fundamental lines of inquiry, in order to expand research perspectives on talent education: Positive education and the Strength-based model of neurodiversity.
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