The Effective Role of Physical Education in Combating School Indiscipline: The "Sport Education" Didactic-pedagogical Model
Sport Education Model, School Indiscipline, Physical Education, Secondary School, Didactic-Pedagogical ApproachAbstract
The article examines a pedagogical intervention that was put into practice with students who faced exclusion from Physical Education classes because of their inadequate conduct in school. We conducted an experiment utilizing the Sport Education model as a means to combat indiscipline in a public educational institution. The primary goal of the research was to identify and comprehend potential modifications in the attitudes of students who were considered undisciplined. The study was grounded in action research principles and employed the focus group and questionnaire as data collection instruments. Sport Education holds the potential to facilitate a critical understanding and adoption of physical activity. The use of collective work as a pedagogical strategy may serve as an alternative approach to improve student behaviour, as long as mediation is implemented alongside the restoration of emotional connections between teachers and students. The issue of indiscipline remains complex and poses a challenge for educators. However, it is imperative to address the problem of excluding students from Physical Education classes due to disciplinary reasons.
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