Changing paradigms, changing education. Post-Corona challenges and the centrality of the link between personal and collective identities, based on E. Morin and Ch. Taylor theories


  • Vincenzo Salerno



Edgar Morin, following the global and systemic crises caused by the pandemic, in his latest publications has launched a new educational provocation: changing education to change the way and paradigm of life. The paradigm of life he refers to is the Western one. This operation is impossible without developing a theory of identity constitution that is equal to this task. For this reason, it seems strategic to deepen Ch. Taylor’s anthropological proposals about the quality of the original and inseparable relationship between individual and community, taking into account that the first complexus nucleus identified by E. Morin is the one that binds individual existence to the community in an inseparable and interdependent way. The aim of the article is therefore to answer this educational question: what pedagogical anthropology do we need to undertake the actual paradigm shift desired?



How to Cite

Salerno, V. (2021). Changing paradigms, changing education. Post-Corona challenges and the centrality of the link between personal and collective identities, based on E. Morin and Ch. Taylor theories. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(2), 315–328.

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