Reshaping the way of thinking, teaching how to live. Post-Corona: forming behavioural, articulating and evaluation skills, based on E. Morin and Ch. Taylor theories


  • Vincenzo Salerno



For some time and now, following the global and systemic crises caused by the Edgar Morin pandemic situation, a radical change in education is necessary: transforming education to transform the paradigm of Western life. This operation requires the training of skills related to the way of thinking and the way in which personal and Community action are thought. In this regard it is possible to identify an anthropological harmony with Ch. Taylor’s thought regarding the resumption of the dimension of agency, articulation and evaluation, as a theoretical and systematic deepening of regenerated humanism in terms of homo complexus identified by E. Morin. The article therefore aims to continue researching the question: what pedagogical anthropology are we trying to begin and to support the desired paradigm transformation?



How to Cite

Salerno, V. (2021). Reshaping the way of thinking, teaching how to live. Post-Corona: forming behavioural, articulating and evaluation skills, based on E. Morin and Ch. Taylor theories. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(2), 329–342.

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