Points-Based License: Birth and Trial of an Award-Based Formative Intervention in a Vocational Training Centre in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Training, Tutoring, Enhancement, Educational relationshipAbstract
For several years, scientific literature in the field of education and training has highlighted the opportunity to include disciplinary elements within school projects. That is, in addition to knowledge transfer and the training of technical skills. That entails a holistic approach to the individual and to their human and relational development. Hence, the need arises to provide new educational stimuli and instruments, especially for fragile youths, which experience high dropout rates. This paper illustrates the “points-based licence” mechanism, which is an assessment tool devised by CIOFS FP FVG of Trieste—a VET provider. The “licence” system arises from the need to convey students a sense of responsibility for their own actions by monitoring whether they abide by the rules or not, yet without acting exclusively as an impersonal punishment tool. That is, it is effective inasmuch as it works in parallel with well-designed student careers and the push towards self-realization.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vincenzo Salerno, Adriana Salvin, Leonardo Rigoni, Andrea Mattia Marcelli

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