The assessment of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship in VET


  • Daniele Morselli


This article presents a framework for the assessment of learning outcomes
concerning a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as cross-curricular
subject. It seeks to solve two issues: competence and its assessment, and
assessment of learning occurred as cross-curricular subject. This paper
claims that the key competence of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
and the European Qualification Framework are useful tools to assess
entrepreneurial learning outcomes. The assessment is performed through
problem solving situations which are new for the learner and related to his
or her qualification. A case study shows an assessment program of knowledge,
skills and attitudes related to a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
carried out in two vocational schools. Results suggest the need for a
better alignment between work-alternation, teaching for competence, and
assessment of key competences.



How to Cite

Morselli, D. (2018). The assessment of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship in VET. Formazione & Insegnamento, 16(2), 419–432. Retrieved from

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