The impact of the university environment and entrepreneurial education on students' intentions to start their venture: Evidence from the GUESSS survey in Greece
Entrepreneurship education, Entrepreneurship intentions, Univeristy climate, Greece, GUESSS surveyAbstract
Using data from the 2021 Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) in Greece, this study inspects how the university entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurship courses impact students’ intentions to launch their enterprises. These hypotheses were tested on 1594 students representing 22 Greek universities. Results indicate that education related to entrepreneurship affects students’ entrepreneurial intentions. Gender seems to affect future intentions of starting a venture as well as university climate. Findings also validate the distinction between men and women already made in earlier studies on entrepreneurial intentions and provide information about the variables influencing students’ willingness to open their businesses. These factors suggest that policies geared towards fostering entrepreneurship need to incorporate what shapes the entrepreneurial intentions of both men and women, and universities should prioritise the creation of gender-sensitive programs.
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- 2024-06-09 (2)
- 2024-04-30 (1)
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