From the ecological-dynamic approach to learning flexibility in the motor and sports training of the young athlete
Transfer, Affordance, Motor learning, Young athlete, Ecological-dynamic approachAbstract
This study aims to open a discussion on the topic of motor learning and transferable learning. Qualitative motor learning calls for the use of evidence-based-teaching models and generalizable good practices. The model of teaching styles in physical education and sport requires a careful analysis of the theoretical frameworks within which to implement an effective teaching process. The spread of new teaching styles in motor and sports education requires a careful analysis of the theoretical frameworks within which these new styles are situated. The aim of this study is to decline the methodological assumptions of the ecological-dynamic approach for learning into clear instructional guidelines in structuring learning environments functional for the acquisition of motor and sports skills that are flexible and not rigid, constrained by the learning experience tout court. For these reasons, an analysis of the most recent literature was conducted, highlighting the most significant contributions within the current debate.
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