Some comparative research's results on school teachers: Remarks on OCSE-TALIS research
Teachers, TALIS, Teaching and Learning International Survey, Assessment and career developmentAbstract
The international survey on teaching and learning - TALIS (Teaching And Learning International Survey) conducted by the OECD is the first comparative survey that captured the current state of school systems in the 23 participating countries, involving 70,000 among teachers and school administrators. The research focuses on public and private teachers of secondary level institutes by debating about some important aspects relating to elements that, in some way, affect the efficiency of learning and the quality of classroom climate: professional development, opinions, attitudes and practices adopted by teachers, teaching assessment and feedback and, ultimately, school leadership. In conclusion, the OECD recommends Italy to improve the quality of teaching, with particular attention regarding to: strengthen he initial qualification of teachers and more rigorous procedures for recruitment, selection through greater access to initial teacher training standardization and certification procedures. Furthermore to improve the attractiveness of the teaching profession by promoting teacher professional development, by introducing financial incentives based on the results, and by providing opportunities for career development and recertification based on performance, in order to create greater operational autonomy for school managers, in particular in the recruitment, assessment and career development of the teachers (conditional for the school empowerment).
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