The portfolio of competencies, a tool to support learning and self-assessment processes: Opinions of students and teachers in a Vocational Training Centre
Portfolio, Self-Assessment, Reflection, Learning, Self-AwarenessAbstract
The study investigates and explores the teaching and assessment methods employed at the Como Vocational Training Center to determine whether teachers implement strategies to support students during the process of self-assessment and portfolio compilation (using a self-assessment tool prepared by the Lombardy Region). The study aims to gather the opinions of both students and teachers on two aspects: (i) the extent to which formative assessment and its application by teachers are beneficial for students' self-assessment during the portfolio compilation process, and (ii) the perceived effectiveness of the portfolio in enhancing students' self-awareness and their own skills. The results obtained indicate that teachers still give less attention to strategies related to self-assessment and that the current portfolio does not adequately support the reflective and self-assessment dimensions of students as intended.
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