The assessment of didactic: a finnish idea in Italy
School and sport are, often, considered as separate units while should be reciprocal facts to improve students both from intellectual and physical point of view. Inspired by projects already implemented in other European countries, such as Finland and Switzerland, we carried out an original project in italian context: “Smuovilascuola”. “Smuovilascuola” brings physical activity into primary school classrooms, making it an integral part of the lessons, and not just an accessory for the gym. Thus the improvements can be detect in a general way: contemporary aspects of the motor and cognitive areas. Then, children, could gain attitude for sport practice, quiet in class room and will become able to better manage emotions and fears. The aim is to educate students at 360 degrees. We used validated psychophysical tests and assessed how this kind of intervention increased the self-efficacy of the student.
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