Didactic of Physical Education to Promote the Inclusion of Newcomer Children
Sen, Physical Education, Inclusion, Self-efficacy, TeamworkAbstract
Appropriate teaching styles should be applied to implement an inclusive process for pupils who need Special Educational Needs. Inclusion also regards those (defined NAI) who for family migration have economic-linguistic difficulties. Within a middle school a real modulation of the teaching style was carried out during Physical education classes. From an approach based on reproduction, we stimulated the autonomy of children with a teaching style based on production. We measured the degree of enjoyment and the sense of self-efficacy to verify the effectiveness of the proposal. NAI students appreciated the lessons focused on autonomy increasing the level of enjoyment. The result on self-efficacy perception was even more interesting. NAI students, even if did not reach the non-NAI levels, reported significant level. The teaching style is an important factor in educational process. The modulation of teaching styles (in an adequate way for each class) is a strategy that can enhance inclusion.
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