Embodied cognition and self-formation: towards an enactive approach to the study of the educational relationship


  • Elena Zambianchi Pensamultimedia
  • Stefano Scarpa




The work is characterized as theoretical research aimed at the possibility of re-attributing to the educational relationship the original ability to elevate itself to an enactive function of the training processes for self-expression. The main thesis concerns the possibility that the educational relationship will form to consciousness by referring substantially to the enactive paradigm in the particular review made by Umberto Margiotta with his of the anthropological integral model. The main explanatory concepts are therefore referred to the theme of interest, problematizing the intersubjective process of the educational relationship as the driving force of the maturation and training paths of man, identifying reflexivity as the main device capable of producing enaction. 



How to Cite

Zambianchi, E., & Scarpa, S. . (2020). Embodied cognition and self-formation: towards an enactive approach to the study of the educational relationship. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(2), 128–143. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XVIII-02-20_12