Empathy and intersubjectivity as foundation of educational relationship in the vision of Edith Stein
Intersubjectivity, empathy, educational relationship, phenomenology, educabilityAbstract
This work examines the themes of empathy and intersubjectivity as founding components of the educational relationship, making particular reference to two significant writings by the phenomenological philosopher Edith Stein, a disciple of Husserl, On the Problem of Empathy (1917) and The Structure of the Human Person (1930). The choice to deal with the theme of empathy, together with the definition of “human structure”, arises from the need to identify the anthropological-philosophical substratum underlying the educational relationship precisely because, according to Stein, through empathy we arrive at the constitution of its basic elements: the Man and the I-Thou. Ultimately, a brief mention is made of the neurophenomenology of empathy – of which Stein can be considered a forerunner – with particular reference to the discovery of mirror neurons.
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