The Gettatelli: Educational Dimensions of Institutionalized Care for Abandoned Newborns in Renaissance Tuscan Hospitals
15th century Tuscany, Foundlings and dumped babies, Social history of education, Childhood iconography, Institutionalized Renaissance childcare, Hospital of Santa Maria della ScalaAbstract
Methodological concerns about the use of visual sources in the social history of education prompt a re-evaluation of Ariès’ claim regarding the sentiment of childhood in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modernity. The analysis of late 15th-century German and French illustrations reveals that newborns were cared for with affection, attending to both their health and moral needs. This study questions the extent of such sentiment: did it extend beyond the household to involve society as a whole? After reframing Ariès’ thesis through visual sources drawn on Early Modern French and German illustrations, the paper answers this by examining organized care for abandoned infants in 15th-century Tuscany, a region that pioneered the institutionalization of children surrendered by their families. The collective nature of this childcare is explored through linguistic shifts, the transition from outsourced nursing to residential wet nursing, and the ongoing struggle against poor sanitary conditions. Finally, visual analysis of frescoes from Siena’s Santa Maria della Scala hospital uncovers key insights: (i) care for abandoned children integrated moral, spiritual, and logistical concerns; (ii) advanced educational practices, including literacy, were present; and (iii) gendered divisions of labour and specialized staff played a crucial role. These findings suggest that institutionalized childcare operated as a Foucauldian dispositif, shaped by urbanization and the need for record-keeping, challenging the claim of some Ariès’ interpreters that medieval society was indifferent to childhood.
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