Educating to Heal: The Educational Role of Late Medieval Hospital Communities in the Rhineland and Mainz
Educate, Heal, Hospitals, Early Middle Ages, Rhineland, Mainz, Health Care EducationAbstract
Medieval hospital communities in the Rhineland—and Mainz in particular—distinguished themselves not only as centres of care but also as places of health education and training. In late medieval Europe, characterized by epidemics and wars, hospital communities played an essential role by providing refuge and assistance not only to the sick but also to the poor and pilgrims. Through apprenticeships and daily practice, doctors and nurses not only acquired medical knowledge but also promoted values of compassion and solidarity. Through historical study, this work aims to recognize the educational role of these institutions in the context of the history of medicine and the development of educational structures, proposing a reflection on how their legacy can enlighten contemporary health educational practices.
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