Emergencies and Educational Responses: A Historical Analysis of Civic Education in Times of Social Crisis
Civic Education, Social Crisis, Active Citizenship, Educational ResilienceAbstract
Civic education has historically served as a fundamental pillar for building active and informed citizenship, particularly during periods of social crisis, such as wars, economic downturns, and more recently, global health emergencies. This paper examines, from a historical perspective, the educational responses adopted in critical moments to understand how civic education has been used to foster social cohesion, resilience, and responsible participation. By analyzing key case studies—including the two World Wars, the Great Depression, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic—the article explores how educational institutions have adapted civic education programs to address socio-political needs and the civic competencies prioritized to promote social stability and collective solidarity. The study reveals how historical transformations in civic education responded to specific needs for citizenship formation, adapting to the challenges and resources of each crisis context. In particular, the analysis of educational responses to the Great Depression and the crises of the 1970s illustrates how civic reforms aimed to cultivate citizens capable of coping with economic and social instability, while the recent pandemic highlights the importance of updated civic education focused on public health and global responsibility. The goal is not only to outline historical responses but also to suggest potential directions for civic education to prepare future citizens to address the complexities and emergencies of an ever-changing world.
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