In the fragment a life’s plot. The formative narration in Walter Benjamin


  • Anita Gramigna
  • Carlo Rosa


The aim of this work consists in evaluating the implicit formative dimension
in the narration of Walter Benjamin. The entire work of the author, including
the essays, although in its fragmentation, subtends an evident autobiographical
He, in his youth, worked on pedagogical issues, as a result of the relationship
with Wyneken, the reformer whose school he was able to attend, if only
for a short time. We will mention it, but what is more interesting is probing
the idea of the ethical-political education of the intellectual when he
takes the side of the lasts, emerging from the essay on the concept of history.
A process of growth and critic responsibility, in essence, that allows
some comparisons with Gramsci and the discovery of an originality of his
Marxism, as it’s deduced in the Moscow Diary.
The epistemological background is of interpretative character and the investigation
methodology is qualitative.



How to Cite

Gramigna, A., & Rosa, C. (2017). In the fragment a life’s plot. The formative narration in Walter Benjamin. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2 Suppl.), 47–56. Retrieved from

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