Metacognitive analysis of study habits: Representation and practices of the students
Implicit Epistemology, Habit, Study, MetacognitionAbstract
Understanding learners’ study habits is a prerequisite to beginning a metacognitive reflexion concerning the mental states that unfold when learning takes place (Annable, 2012). Drawing on a quali-quant methodology, a questionnaire was administered; on account of its double value, this methodology permitted us to realize both the numerical aspects and the qualitative ones that emerged in the free comments related to each item of the questionnaire. Like Margiotta (2015), we believe that the analysis of study habits helps students to monitor their own learning. Consequently, it is useful to know these behaviours in order to realize a more efficient formative proposal because it takes into account the receptive and constructive characteristics of our young interlocutors (Ryken & Salganik, 2007). There exists a correlation between leaning and representation-description of the study practices: this relation is based on the implicit epistemology of our students (Santoianni, 2019): some of its fundamental structures are made explicit by this research.
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