Young People and Sports Ethics: An Investment from School to Society
Nowadays, sport has become a market where there is no longer any place for ethics and fair play, where winning is the only thing that matters, even at the cost of its own integrity. To eradicate this norm, it’s possible to start out with young people, schools and sports educators. Physical education and sport are a key element for the integral growth of the person. In addition to improve mental and physical well-being, they are a means to combat social injustice in schools, when they increase the time dedicated to physical activities and when they provide adequate skills to the figures that follow them. In addition to the school teacher, this task falls on the sports educator as “Alleducatore”, with pedagogical, psychological and communication tools and knowledge. With the “Sport di Classe” program in Italy and the Delfos project in Spain, we try to promote physical education from the primary school, promoting the educational and training processes of the younger generations. Delfos, in particular, includes pedagogical principles, teaching strategies and organization of sessions to improve fair play, self-control and alleviate the violent behavior of young people. Through these programs aimed at young people it has been shown that physical education can develop sociorelational skills and ethical values that will influence sport in adults.
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