Ethic of the education at the crossroad with neurosciences: issues and pedagogical perspectives


  • Chiara D'Alessio


The work explores the possibility, inspired by personalist pedagogical anthropology, of an intersection between neuroscientific studies and their
ethical implications in the field of moral education. Some significant contributions of international research in neuroethics, especially those concerning
the relationship between emotions, empathy and morality, have been
examined and subjected to a critical discussion that identifies problems and
traceable perspectives. Aim of this work is inviting the contemporary pedagogical world to open to brand new research scenarios. The results, integrated in the always current corpus of knowledge belong to the personalist
pedagogical tradition can encourage reimaging and rethinking of the foundational aspects of ethics of education. This “new” ethics of education will
aid in formulating proposals based on a significant link between the results
of neuroscience and human sciences research, in order to face adequately
current educational urgencies and future challenges.



How to Cite

D'Alessio, C. (2016). Ethic of the education at the crossroad with neurosciences: issues and pedagogical perspectives. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2), 79–96. Retrieved from

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