Edu-care: the pandemic as a generative educational opportunity for human development


  • Oscar Tiozzo Brasiola Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Tiziano Vecchiato
  • Marina Santi



The COVID-19 pandemic forces us to rethink the welfare structure using a transdisciplinary approach. The very same concept of poverty can be enriched if we follow a generative approach to human development. Schools are surely involved in this transformation, as they become communities and start to conceive classes not just as a space but as a time-space. A theory of human development (well-becoming) that does not take into account people, their responsibilities and their abilities is not human at all. Therefore, what schools are currently facing is not a new challenge, but a challenge that has to be renewed.
Attributions and responsibilities: Tiozzo Brasiola conceived the idea and supervised the project, Vecchiato revised the part on generative approach and the conclusions, Santi devised the project and reviewed it critically for important intellectual content.



How to Cite

Tiozzo Brasiola, O., Vecchiato, T., & Santi, M. (2021). Edu-care: the pandemic as a generative educational opportunity for human development. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(1 Tome I), 128–135.

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