Generative formation: the mediator of human development


  • Oscar Tiozzo Brasiola



The pandemic exploded in 2020 calls into question the welfare of our coun-try. An initial response to the emergency arrived on the health level and, subsequently, was translated into economic measures. Overcoming welfare assistance towards generative welfare allows us to look at welfare as an investment and not as a cost. The school is at the center of the pandemic wave and the teachers, unprepared, are facing the emergency with the tools in their possession. Face-to-face teaching became online teaching, and it raised many questions: the absence of the physical presence; school as space and time; accessibility to the network; the frontal teaching mediated by the screen of a device. A possible answer, which draws on Goal 4 of Agenda 2030, is given by the proposal of a generative teaching of solidarity that goes from teaching to being school.



How to Cite

Tiozzo Brasiola, O. . (2021). Generative formation: the mediator of human development. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(1 Tome II), 580–586.