Educational relation at school: Conveying the value of gender difference as means to promote an inclusive society


  • Valentina Guerrini


This article aims to offer a reflection regarding the fundamental role of school—starting from primary instruction’s level—as far as the education of young generations is concerned. Such education bears on the importanceof cultural, linguistic, ethnic, religious, and gender difference, in order to form conscious, open minded, critical and reflective citizens.
In particular, attention is paid to gender difference in regards to knowledge, language and teaching in primary school, underlining the fundamental role of teachers.
This reflection is the result of the issue of educational segregation, in particular when lower numbers of girls undertake scientific and technological subjects and courses, when compared with their male counterparts
The application of Sen’s capability approach in the field of education allows to regard school as a strategic component with respect to the promotion of equal opportunities, of everyone’s right to learn, of an elimination of sexist stereotypes and of the development of space where continuous personal development may take place—i.e. a space in which the possibility to educate
people to new forms of cognitive democracy is still viable.



How to Cite

Guerrini, V. (2013). Educational relation at school: Conveying the value of gender difference as means to promote an inclusive society. Formazione & Insegnamento, 11(1 Suppl.), 249–256. Retrieved from

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