Culture of difference and diversity through corporeality
Culture, Difference, Diversity, Analogical body, Language, Education, Performative artsAbstract
Culture may seem like a simple word, but putting it into action can be challenging, especially when we consider the concepts of difference and diversity. The complexity deepens when we incorporate the word "body" alongside culture, diversity, and difference. These terms appear straightforward in everyday language, yet they encompass various meanings that are not always easily reconcilable. This paper aims to promote the understanding of differences among education and care professionals, emphasizing the role of nonverbal communication as a facilitator of interactions between individuals, environments, and personal experiences. While it is easy to conceptualize these ideas, implementing effective practices remains a challenge despite progress and research. The body's development accompanies us throughout our lives, particularly during formative stages, as well as adulthood and old age. Our body is intricately tied to our identity, serving as our "identity card" in the world. Each body and personality are unique, and it is this uniqueness that defines and distinguishes us. Therefore, we must place significant emphasis on the powerful contribution of nonverbal language in the education, growth, and lives of individuals, regardless of their physical, psychological, social, or cultural conditions.
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