The Wandering of the Knowing Subject. For an epistemic-formative reading of Canguilhem's thought
Our approach to the thought of the French scientist takes place in the field of the epistemology of education, which we could consider a pedagogical “implicit” in his work but, at the same time, also an “explicit” call to the renewal of learning. An epistemology emerges that challenges the reassuring objectivism, such as the assertive cult of the quantitative. Canguilhem identifies a subject of knowledge that is characterized by wandering in the double meaning: error, a real test bench of our investigation strategies, and the exploratory wandering in search of the truth. A difficult task since the subject of study is life itself, as a matter of fact inexhaustible. The restless research, says the author, is a symbol of our dissatisfied subjectivity, given that life in its incessant flow forces us to a “work of discovery”, in some respects even existential, of its meaning.
The system is of epistemological nature, the methodology through which the analysis of the Author’s thought was conducted is qualitative, that is, aimed at identifying epistemic and semantic connections that open the de-bate on education to a transdisciplinary look. And this is the aim we expect with our reflections.
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