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  • Zero fees
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  • Captivating PDF Typesetting
  • Careful Copyediting
  • External Anonymous Peer Review
  • Authors Retain Copyright
  • Generous CC BY 4.0 License (including commercial re-use or mash-up of your published work)

We recommend considering publishing with F&I as soon as you obtain your research results.



ISSN: 2279-7505 (online), 1973-4778 (print, deprecated). Court registration No. 1439, 11/02/2003 (Venice, Italy)

Ranked "A" in the Scientific Subject Fields "11/PAED-01" and "11/PAED-02" (Education, History of Education; Didactics, Special Needs Education, and Education Research) by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research systems.

Formazione & insegnamento is an Open Access Journal that publishes research on education and training, with focus on continuing education, educational policies in a European and global context, pedagogy, and teaching.

It was founded in 2003 by the late Prof. Umberto Margiotta, who aimed to transform it into a fundamental tool to disseminate educational research. It is an open access arena where scientific ideas are debated and spread, with the idea of fostering the interdisciplinary and cultural growth of the field.

Following the internationalization trends in Italian education studies, the journal has started debates on inclusion, globalization, lifelong learning, social justice, sustainability, and talent as bases to promote educational leadership for the transformation of the contemporary society.

The journal targets an academic audience with scholarly interest in education, learning, pedagogy and training. It welcomes research papers from all practitioners (such as educators, lecturers, and teachers) that meet the highest standards of research in their respective sectors.

Formazione & insegnamento's regular issues are published triannually. Further special issues are published throughout the year. Every issue bears on a specific topic, with dedicated calls for paper. A general section is always available to publish free contributions.

Formazione & insegnamento is a Pensa MultiMedia publication.


Formazione & insegnamento 21(2): New Issue Published + Important News


Dear Authors, Readers, and Reviewers,

While announcing the publication of the summer issue of Formazione & Insegnamento, 21(2), we also wish to highlight the following updates:

Indexing: Following the efforts of the editorial team, articles published in the journal (including in previous years) are now searchable by the search engines of all global university libraries. To ensure this, we conducted sample checks on Swisscovery (Switzerland), iDiscover section "articles and online resources" (Cambridge, UK), and Columbia University Libraries (USA). Moreover, the archives of Open Science systems, having incontrovertibly recognized the journal as Open Access under the CC BY 4.0 International License, have embraced your articles and distribute them regularly on their platforms. Besides the already known DOAJ, an example is CORE.AC.UK, which already hosts about 1,000 journal articles and whose indexing operations are still ongoing.

Spanish Language: We are also pleased to inform that we have opened the website section in Spanish and fully accept contributions in this language. A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Camilla Boschi (UniFE) for her valuable assistance in translating the journal's web pages into Spanish.

DOI: The DOIs of the current issue are being activated and will be operational shortly.

Warm regards and heartfelt thanks to all the Authors, Reviewers, and Collaborators who have made these achievements possible.

The Editorial Team

Read more about Formazione & insegnamento 21(2): New Issue Published + Important News

Current Issue

Vol. 22 (2024): Online First
					View Vol. 22 (2024): Online First

To better understand how the online first section works, Authors, Readers, and Reviewers are invited to browse our dedicated section: Online First: How it Works.

Published: 2024-06-21


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