Thinking, Reflecting, Transforming: Methodological Innovation in Primary School for Teacher Training
Sensemaking, Critical awareness, Ongoing teacher training, Alternative methodologyAbstract
The strategic importance of innovation and research for the ongoing professional training of teachers has been affirmed by national and supranational legislation. Through research-action, simultaneously with a didactic experiment on spaced learning, we aimed to verify if and how the methodological innovation was valid, effective and significant, to improve the critical awareness in 104 teachers regarding the exercise of designing, decision making, problem solving. The teachers’ action, carried out in five primary schools in Palermo from September 2023 to June 2024, was preceded by the checking of pupils’ abilities and by guided planning. We systematically shared and monitored teaching activities. The analysis of the skills envisaged by the program was carried out with quantitative (rating scale, questionnaire) and qualitative (focus groups, work units) tools. The most relevant outcomes of the research-training show a growth in professional competences and sensemaking: predicting action plans, dealing with problems, choosing alternatives in emerging situations.
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