Baudrillard's lesson: train investigators on the murder of the real


  • Anita Gramigna



I have concluded in recent times, in the face of growing doubts about the meaning of human formation in the present, that a very strong shock is needed on the part of those who work in the educational context, to give dignity to their work and get out of a relational dynamic. with those who study which produces growing discomfort. If the teacher is identified by the student as an employee available to him, to bureaucratically certify an increasingly reduced and poorly qualified course of study, the profound meaning of the relationship that has generated culture for centuries disappears and the void remains. In my reflection, this desolate, desert-like image has to do with the perfect crime that produced the death of reality. Students still do not know this, but they have only two possibilities: to be victims of passivity or to learn to investigate to understand and act with knowledge of the facts. This article proposes an articulated analysis of Baudrillard’s thought, whose categories of  interpretation of reality seem to us of high interest in addressing the training emergencies in progress. The epistemological framework is hermeneutic, the methodological approach is qualitative. 



How to Cite

Gramigna, A. . (2021). Baudrillard’s lesson: train investigators on the murder of the real. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(3), 221–233.

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