Proactive school and motricity: Key elements for children’s health and psychophysical well-being
Human movement, Motor development, Learning, Physical education, Physical literacyAbstract
The new legal framework of the primary school provides two hours of compulsory physical education teaching from master’s degree specialists in physical education in addition to the PE hours taught by a master’s degree generalist in primary education sciences. The present research aims to analyze critical issues concerning the legislative transition from the current law system to the next. The research investigates how the school community can incorporate educational-didactic and managerial-administrative measures in dedicated platforms for rules application. The results will determine the good practice models to be offered to the primary school education system as an inventory of good teaching practices helpful for teachers, managers, and family members. The overall scientific evidence will also flow into a final document to enhance the construction of teaching plans for the disciplines regarding the methods and didactics of motor and sports activities in light of legislative innovations (Legislative Decree no. 36/2021).
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