Improving physical activity levels in primary schools: Slackline Training education strategy
Physical Education, Physical literacy, Slackline, Primary school, Outdoor educationAbstract
Physical education (PE) can be considered the focus of cognitive and social physical literacy (PL) school programs. In primary school, the PL of children is fundamental, both to raise levels of motivation, confidence and competence and to educate an active lifestyle. Slacklining (SLK) is based on the use of a support band, stretched between two solid fixed supports, which stimulates the balance of the body and provides a high variability of movement. The article proposes situations of SLK with which to increase levels of physical activity to expand curriculum planning, in primary school, and offer children educational experiences in which to solicit both psycho-motor and motivational and social aspects. In other words, it is about involving children, through engaging and fun proposals, in the acquisition of an active lifestyle that will last even in later ages.
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