Student Beliefs on Educational Responsibility in the Epistemology Course of the Master of Education, Communication, and Digital Citizenship at the University of Ferrara




Implicit Epistemology, Knowledge, Educational Responsibility, Metacognition, Learning


The aim of this research is to understand the attitude of the students of the Course of Epistemology of the Master of Education, Communication and digital Citizenship (University of Ferrara) around the concept of responsibility, in order to start a metacognitive process. For this purpose, a questionnaire was completed and analysed following a qualitative approach. With Margiotta, we believe that convictions around the implicit beliefs influence students’ approach during the processes of knowledge’s construction. As a result, it is useful to know these representations in order to formulate a formative proposal more efficient because more aware of elaborative and receptive features of our young interlocutors. There is a correlation between cognition and implicit epistemology, this research would make explicit some of its fundamental structures around the perception of own responsibility in self-study.

Author Biography

Anita Gramigna, Dipartimento di Studi umanistici, Università di Ferrara –

Anita Gramigna, ordinary professor.

University professor of Epistemology of Formation.

Supervisor of the Epistemology of Formation Laboratory EURESIS in humanistic studies department in University of Ferrara, Italy.

Supervisor of editorial series: 3.

Prizes and awards: 7.

Visiting professor: 12.

Articles in SCOPUS periodicals: 10.

Monographies: 35.


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How to Cite

Gramigna, A., & Boschi, C. (2023). Student Beliefs on Educational Responsibility in the Epistemology Course of the Master of Education, Communication, and Digital Citizenship at the University of Ferrara. Formazione & Insegnamento, 21(2), 100–107.

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