The educational metaphor of the tribe
Tribe, Metaphor, Identity, Qualitative Methodology, EpistemologyAbstract
Tribe is a word that comes far away which means a human whole characterized by traditions, costumes, and common languages. The term, in time, has also been used as a metaphor for certain group modes, or to indicate the identity characters of the postmodern. Our work, having as references two indigenous tribes of Latin America in which we carried out a field research over the years, consists in comparing the differences between the historical authenticity-cultural of a social group of great tradition and the metaphor that implies forms of aggregation quite different as those that are consumed in the network among our young people. The epistemic framework is hermeneutic, the methodological approach is qualitative. These reflections are based on ethnographic research carried out in Latin America by the EURESIS research group over the last 15 years, as well as epistemological analysis of the new digital spaces.
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