Pedagogical Approaches to Co-evolution in Crisis: The Potential of Educational and Training Research in Highly Complex Ecosystems




Complexity, Crisis, Training, Reflexivity, Sustainability


The Era of Great Uncertainties (Morin, 2020) with which humanity has to deal with today requires competences to stay in the changing flow of the crisis that allows us to generate knowledge useful to orient thoughts and actions. In this contribution, the authors propose four pedagogical approaches that refer, respectively, to the pedagogical category of irony, to the theoretical construct of systemic reflexivity and to the themes of sustainability and agency. These approaches are analysed with reference to specific educational and training contexts of high complexity, the school and the social educational work. Common to these approaches is the pursuit of a difficult and mobile balance between individual and contextual aspects, between conservative and innovative instances, between times and rhythms of change and between micro, meso and macro levels of the systems involved.


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How to Cite

Carletti, C., Cuppari, A., Fioretti, S., & Pomponi, M. (2022). Pedagogical Approaches to Co-evolution in Crisis: The Potential of Educational and Training Research in Highly Complex Ecosystems. Formazione & Insegnamento, 20(1 Tome II), 1018–1027.

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