Generating sustainability at the time of COVID-19. Educational planning, new generations


  • Teresa Giovanazzi Pensa MultiMedia Editore



The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed our lives, catching us unprepared and putting us in front of our frailties. Education represents the potential value for radically changing the world, as it is stated in the UNESCO 2020 report Education in a post-COVID world: Nine ideas for public action. It is about seizing the opportunity to reflect on the organization of educational institutions and learning environments. An opportunity that implies a new design perspective on the relationship between man and the environment, from the viewpoint of integral ecology. Innovation in educational practices lies within the framework of sustainable and supportive development for the whole of humanity, as declared in the 2030 Agenda. Pursuing objectives to generate sustainability in educational processes requires rebuilding the relationship with the other and acting with responsibility, starting from the new generations, in the sign of universal fraternity and care for the common home.



How to Cite

Giovanazzi, T. (2021). Generating sustainability at the time of COVID-19. Educational planning, new generations. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(1 Tome I), 334–342.