Critical incidents and ethical dilemmas


  • Immacolata Brunetti


The aims of this study were to investigate whether and how teacher’s perception
of ethical dilemma and climate in their school influente outcome
variable as teachers’ sense of stress, and relationship among colleagues.
Hannah Arendt (2017) argues that it is important the phenomenoloy of contemplative life that produces the language and action visibility. In addition,
teachers’ perceptions of school climate produce the quality of relationship
between colleagues (Russell and Loughran, 2007) and influence cooperation
(Cohen, McCabe, Michelle & Pickeral, 2009).
The contexts is influenced for teachers’ ethical decision-making and in turn,
school climate influences all members of the school community (Collie,
Shack, Perry, 2011; 2012). There are two approach for study ethical dilemma:
cognitive approach and neurocognitive approach and several model holds
significant implications for the study of ethical decision-making, and provides
suggestions for improving ethical behavior in school organization
(Reynold, 2006).



How to Cite

Brunetti, I. (2018). Critical incidents and ethical dilemmas. Formazione & Insegnamento, 16(2 Suppl.), 227–232. Retrieved from

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