Play as an educational tool: a comparison of histories and pedagogical codes


  • Rosa Sgambelluri


Play has a fundamental role in the educational process of the learner. It is
fun, intentional, free, spontaneous, voluntary and is manifested in all attitudes
of the child, creating spaces of autonomy, action and creativity.
Through play child can acquire self – awareness, can break free from the
constraints of reality, can give flight to the imagination, can express a dominion
over things and over world, can prepare itself to live in a real “playground.”
The educational merits of play have been extensively documented by scholars
such as Maria Montessori, Rosa Agazzi, John Dewey, Friedrich Froebel,
who in different ways emphasized the child’s excellent ability to learn
through play, experience and doing, developing in this way creativity and
enhancing learning.
Play promotes the child’s overall development and represents a methodological
strategy in instructional design, which stimulates the acquisition of
emotional, relational and cognitive skills.



How to Cite

Sgambelluri, R. (2015). Play as an educational tool: a comparison of histories and pedagogical codes. Formazione & Insegnamento, 13(2), 73–80. Retrieved from

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