The Critical Incident Technique (CIT): An Evolving Qualitative Technique
Qualitative research, Qualitative methods, Qualitative research techniques, Critical Incident Technique (CIT), Critical accidentAbstract
The paper examines the Critical Incident Technique (CIT), one of the most accredited qualitative techniques in recent years, which is described starting from the development of a conceptual framework that helps to outline and understand the nature of Critical Incidents (ICs) and their evolution. ICs, as a system whose different components are so interrelated and interdependent, help to understand the dynamic nature of phenomena and to consider the different multiple relationships and simultaneous consequences throughout the critical incident system, demonstrating that ICs are not linear, as the components of a system that interacts in a non-random way. It is a technique in which the clarity of research questions and their adequate focus are able to support a strong conceptual framework, which helps to improve the reliability of the method itself and minimize the prejudices of the researcher and which provides the opportunity to lower the attributes of rigor and quality within a precise way of doing qualitative research. The CIT is also examined from the point of view of the nature of the technique and the ability of the researcher to influence the logic of the decision-making process as the study proceeds, a fundamental characteristic that characterizes the rigor of conduct.
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