Reading and understanding printed and digital texts: Towards a semiotically integrated didactics
paper text, digital text, multimodal text, reading comprehension, literacy, critical readingAbstract
The contribution addresses the problem of the relationship between paper and digital texts, underlining the relevant characteristics of both and their functionality within the teaching-learning processes, and describes the results of a research conducted on how young readers are related to the reading of written and digital texts. The study shows that readers of paper texts claim to have been initiated to reading by family or other members of their social circle, while those of digital texts say they have been scarcely encouraged to read paper texts. Almost all the children stressed the importance of decoding paper texts and reported discussing what they read with other interested readers. From what emerged from the research it is clear that schools are called to expand the forms of design of integrated reading spaces if you want to encourage children to appreciate texts of different kinds and to enhance the wide range of ways in which they are understood.
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