Ecological Talent: A Perspective for the Places Ecosystem and Transition
Ecological talent, Ecosystem theory, Nature rights, Capability approach, Spatial contractsAbstract
The paradigm shift prospect is increasingly accompanied by the transition theme, which would require an equally sweeping direction change from several points of view. On the one hand, with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is intended to implement a program in this sense; on the other, it should be noted that, for decades, the paradigm shift has been supported by research as non-postponable. A possible new paradigm should identify a convergence of the immaterial perspective, first of all, the ecological and ecosystem culture and the rights of the nation of plants; at the same time, the education of ecological talent could guide the terrestrial places life, in the forms of mutual support, in the Capability Approach and the Spatial contract horizon. The ecological paradigm emerges in this direction, already described by Capra and Bateson. Consequently, the material convergence, technological and economic, should interpret the ecosystem purpose rather than the radical modification of existence with the mercantilist drifts of the transition itself.
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