Outdoor Education: Body, Learning, Nature


  • Manuela Valentini Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Federica Guerra
  • Giovanna Troiano
  • Ario Federici




In present day society there are strong contradictions concerning the concept of environment. Environmentalism, with its sustainability, and the protection of animals are much emphasized, but the occasions for contact with nature are few especially in the young generations in that they are often associated with the concept of danger. Public areas, limited by social and environmental restrictions, especially those in urban areas, are not childfriendly and generate fear and anxiety in parents, carers and teachers. Restrictions, advice and suggestions interfere with a free and direct relationship of the child’s body with nature. This paper of bibliographical research aims at focusing on the enormous benefits, for all, of contact with a natural environment in the educational and social field and in the development in health and wellbeing. It is essential therefore to cultivate from an early age the innate affinity that exists between children and nature. Through Outdoor Education (OE), analyzing educational solutions that demand the action of an educational system that is integrated between schools and other educational agencies, reflections will be made, comparing and assessing the data gathered here, both in school and outside, on the consequent social and cognitive effects on knowledge, skills and competences.



How to Cite

Valentini, M., Guerra, F., Troiano, G., & Federici, A. (2019). Outdoor Education: Body, Learning, Nature. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(1), 415–428. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XVII-01-19_33

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