Media Education and Audiovisual Creative Practices Between Formal and Non-Formal Education: The Proposal for a Teaching Model for High Schools
Media education, Visual education, Digital skills, Cinema for school, Video makingAbstract
The aim of the article is to reflect on the theme of visual education through the analysis of digital storytelling practices conceived in a non-formal environment and subsequently carried out in mixed formal/non-formal areas. The reflection starts with educational and research projects involving an entire community within which an integrated educational environment was built (school, local area, municipal institution, university). On the basis of specific projects this environment was useful for the implementation of a dynamic educational/training process, thanks to the presence, in the formal didactic setting, of training practices specific to the non-formal setting. This path allowed the creation of an educational model useful for carrying out media education activities, focused on the educational potential of “doing”. The model is based on the classic audiovisual production process combining a series of indications coming from the paradigms of Media education, from the indications of the Digital civic education curriculum, from DigComp2.2, all the useful information for the world of schools in light of the recent National Cinema Plan for Schools.
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