A New Educational Paradigm during the Pandemic. Human Development between Capability Approach and Digital


  • Claudio Pignalberi Pensa MultiMedia Editore




In recent years, pedagogical research pays particular attention to the relationship between learning and territory also in reference to the various actions and goals (objectives) provided in the UN Agenda 2030. As highlighted by several parties, sustainability and transformative resilience are some possible keys to the rebirth of the territory following the social emergency dictated by Covid-19 through the proposal of initiatives and projects to support the public. Starting from an analysis of the scenario and of the existing approaches in the literature, the paper illustrates the first results that emerged from a design action of urban redevelopment and regeneration of a small village in Lazio.



How to Cite

Pignalberi, C. (2021). A New Educational Paradigm during the Pandemic. Human Development between Capability Approach and Digital. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(1 Tome I), 281–295. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XIX-01-21_25

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