What teacher training is needed to promote the quality of teaching and effectiveness of student learning


  • Giusi Castellana


The purpose of this article is to explore the studies and research that have
dealt with teacher training as a basis for student learning development. In
the course of this study, we try to outline a profile of teacher quality and the
effectiveness of teaching that relies on the studies carried out in the field of
evidence-based education. The result of the studies is a quality of teaching
that focuses on the effectiveness of teaching practices and procedures implemented
in class and on designs rely on the findings and evidence of scientific
research as a theoretical basis. The turning point in this field is constituted
by teacher training and direct involvement of teachers in training
courses which implicate a new form of collaboration between research
bodies and institutions: the design of collaborative co-construction paths
that can synergically conjugate the objects of the community of research
and the needs of the community of practice.



How to Cite

Castellana, G. (2017). What teacher training is needed to promote the quality of teaching and effectiveness of student learning. Formazione & Insegnamento, 15(3), 29–44. Retrieved from https://ojs.pensamultimedia.it/index.php/siref/article/view/2622