Educational research. Present dynamics and future possibilities


  • Francesca De Vitis


This paper is a reflection on the future of research in education.The time of
past, present and future regulate the actions of men. We live today, thinking
tomorrow. A chain of interconnected thoughts that govern the unfolding
of human actions. With the exception of the fleeting present time, all
human life is the memory of the past or anticipating the future. We anticipate
the future, we try to determine it at the same time we are fighting for
us not to overwhelm. Let’s rewrite the future in the sense of re-seek new
conditions for the development of a community that recoveries content
and human relations. A future that has to have confidence in innovation
and progress. A future that should not fear crushing technological and economic.
Of a future which should recover the value of the strong educational
dimension and formative actions of men. Re-write the future in terms of
participation, training and innovation implies a profound change. Involves
a transformation of the space-time categories. Determines a movement of
deep crisis in the way we think and act.



How to Cite

De Vitis, F. (2015). Educational research. Present dynamics and future possibilities. Formazione & Insegnamento, 13(2), 333–338. Retrieved from

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