Embodied Centered Didactics and LifeComp Development in the School
https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XXI-01-23_21Palabras clave:
LifeComp, Life Skills, Embodied Centred Didactics, EducationResumen
The Life Comp Framework 2020, starting with Life Skills Education for School and key competences for lifelong learning, offers a new conceptual framework on personal, social and learning competences and meta-competences (learning to learn) useful in helping people to become more resilient and develop coping strategies to manage challenges and changes (in their personal, professional and social life) in an ever-changing world in transition. In a society where changes follow one another at a dizzying pace at all levels, schools also need to innovate and re-orientate educational action towards "educating to the uncertainty” the citizen of tomorrow. The school is the place where beliefs, opinions, knowledge, attitudes and habits develop which will largely determine the evolution of the mature individual, his role and his contribution to social life and therefore represents an ideal microcosm for development. of LifeComp. Thanks to the recent theory of Embodied Cognition, the objective of an Embodied Centered teaching is to allow the development of training paths that constitute a significant educational experience that favors the development of specific transversal skills, a source of cognitive and metacognitive, relational, communicative, emotional and social useful learning to face difficulties and move towards the future. The contribution highlights how innovative Embodied Centered methodologies proposed in an experiential, playful and engaging form, develop transversal skills and personal strategies that aim to orient people to learning to be, learning to live together and learning to live, stimulating factors of resilience and coping, facilitating the promotion of one's own and others' well-being.
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