Effects of Outdoor versus Indoor Exercise Program on Enjoyment, Development and Self-Perception of Motor Competence in Children
Physical Activity, Locomotor Skills, Object Control Skills, Motivation, StudentsAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the effects of a 6-week outdoor exercise program on children's enjoyment, development and self-perception of motor competence versus indoor. A total of 99 school-age children (6-8 years) were randomly allocated into an outdoor (OG, n = 49) or an indoor (IG, n = 50) group; the OG performed moderate to vigorous aerobic exercises and team games outdoors and the IG the same intervention program but indoors. At baseline and after the intervention, motor competence (i.e., locomotor skills and object control skills) was assessed through 6 motor tests from the Motorfit battery, and enjoyment and self-perceived motor competence (i.e., locomotor skills and object control skills) were assessed through the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale – Italian Version (PACES-it) and Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence (PMSC-2), respectively. After 6 weeks, compared to the IG, the OG showed significant improvements (p < 0.001) in: Motorfit tests, i.e. locomotor skills (d = 0.69) and object control skills (d = 1.21); PACES-it (d = 0.56); and PMSC, i.e. locomotor skills (d = 0.49) and object control skills (d = 0.36). No significant changes were found for the IG (p > 0.05). Findings show the positive impact of outdoor exercise programs on school-aged children's enjoyment, development and self-perception of motor competence versus indoor, highlighting the importance of environmental factors and the potential benefits of structured outdoor interventions.
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