The Participatory research as an evaluation method for enactive teaching: An example of classroom implementation
Participatory research, Enactive teaching, Evaluation, AdolescentsAbstract
Enactive Teaching places its strength in everyone's participation in educational activity. Through dialogue and shared experience, it promotes the co-construction of knowledge made of cognitions, actions and emotions. Because of this circularity of feedback and the richness of personal experience, evaluation appears to be a sore point of the approach. Participatory Research shows numerous points in common with Enactive Teaching and lends itself as a valid methodology of analysis for a more solid theoretical and instrumental background for the evaluative question. A lesson example is given, in which some participatory research techniques are applied to Contemplative Thinking activities. The purpose is to stimulate dialogue, mutual understanding among classmates, as well as the explication of knowledge and personal experiences related to the topic of the subject discussed, for a more comprehensive evaluative view. The results aroused the interest of students and teachers.
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