The school-family relationship in the post-COVID 19 school community: towards a necessary pedagogical rewriting


  • Maria Chiara Castaldi



The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly marked the educational contexts in particular the family and school. Faced with this critical situation, pedagogical reflection must turn the attention of formal and informal educational planning to some key words with a profound formative meening, such as cooperation, care, relationship. Due to the unprecedented upheavals that distance learning has brought about in the dynamics of communication and teaching/learning processes, even the school-family relationship requires a pedagogical rewriting that goes beyond the logic of bureaucracy and evaluation. It is necessary to enhance dialogue and the educational co-responsibility of the educating community, to promote the formation of social skills, empathic sensitivity and human solidarity.



How to Cite

Castaldi, M. C. . (2021). The school-family relationship in the post-COVID 19 school community: towards a necessary pedagogical rewriting. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(2), 205–210.

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