For a new life project. From digital competence to digital citizenship


  • Alessio Fabiano



How can school change with the digital education? From the school we must start again to define and hope in a possible relaunch of democracy through the construction of a “well-made head” that can promote a civic education to discriminate information, facts, situations. The school must be enhanced, starting from digital, as a training center for the “citizens of tomorrow”, a tool for human and social progress. The school must also foster digital relationships to overcome the global citizen’s loneliness syndrome in our “liquid” society. But what does it mean to educate to the digital citizenship? In this short paper the author will try to explain the role of the school in the construction of the students’ new life project that promotes the concept of the digital citizenship.



How to Cite

Fabiano, A. (2020). For a new life project. From digital competence to digital citizenship. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(1 Tome II), 720–728.